Getting Crunchy with your Client Value

client experience, value discovery

We often ‘think’ that we know the value we provide to our clients. Inevitably this becomes a list of things that we ‘think’ that we offer, of the products and services, of our interpretation of the features and benefits. I want to tell you why this misses the mark and what to do about it.

There are two key problems with this:

  1. It is from our perspective, and we (as the expert) understand so much more about the work that goes into this delivery and what people ‘should’ appreciate
  2. It uses our words and understanding

Let's look at how to fix that.

What do your clients value?

At the end of the day, value is what we provide to our clients, and it should therefore be understood and communicated from their point of reference. This is an important distinction because we are in business to attract more of these clients into our business and help them solve their problems.

This is more than just the logical journey that they take. We all know that everyone buys emotionally, and so we need to know this journey too. Once you know the logical, emotional, and tactical journey your clients took to start working with you - you can use this to engage, communicate, and convert more just like them.

Understanding your value

Here is an exercise to help you understand the value you provide in business in the eyes, minds, and hearts of your clients. In asking these questions I want you to uncover the logical, emotional, and tactical reasons that they bought from you and continue to work with you. 

Go and interview three existing clients and ask these questions:

Before working with us:

  1. What was the biggest problem you had before working with us (that we helped you with)?
    1. What impact did that problem have on your business?
      1. Financial?
      2. Emotional?
      3. What did it stop you doing?
    2. What had you tried before to fix that problem?
  2. What was it that convinced you to give our solution and us a go?

While working with us:

  1. What was it like working with us?
    1. What did you really like?
    2. What one thing would you change?
  2. How were we different to others you have worked with?
  3. How did we make you feel?
  4. Was working with us what you expected?
    1. What was what you expected?
    2. What was unexpected from this?

After working with us (or if they have been a returning or continual client):

  1. What outcomes did you get from working with us?
    1. Financial?
    2. Emotional?
    3. What is it now allowing you to do?
  2. Would you work with us again / continue to work with us?
    1. Why?
    2. Why not?
  3. If you could use one word to sum up working with us what would it be?
  4. If you could change one thing that we delivered or how we delivered it – what would that change be?

Remember that these questions are just the starting point. I want you to suspend your assumptions and get curious. I want you to ask follow-up questions and get crunchy and clarity on their view and where they experience the value.

This is an exercise I do for some clients because there are often insights that an 'outsider' can gain. If this is something you are interested in - then get in touch. 

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler from Pexels